
List, Insert And Remove Orakl Network Aggregators

If you are not an Orakl Network Data Feed Operator, you do not need to read the explanation on this page.

The Orakl Network CLI provides commands to

What Is Aggregator?

Aggregator is a an abstraction for the Orakl Network Data Feed solution. Every aggregator has an adapter assigned via adapterHash, and for each data feed it additionally defines the minimum update frequency through heartbeat property. Data feed is monitored with the Orakl Network Fetcher to detect any deviations above a predefined threshold or absoluteThreshold, in case the value of data feed has lower bound which was reached. address property specifies where the aggregated data feed values get updated.

The example of aggregator for BTC-USD data feed that is updated at least every 15 seconds on chain.

  "aggregatorHash": "0xfda8c08a8b7641e001ad23c0fb363a9e7aab1e3a7eb8a6ddee41deeb7e3ef279",
  "name": "BTC-USD",
  "address": "0x15c0b3ea93ed4de0a1f93f4ae130aefd8f2e8ccb",
  "heartbeat": 15000,
  "threshold": 0.05,
  "absoluteThreshold": 0.1,
  "adapterHash": "0xe63985ed9d9aae887bdcfa03b53a1bea6fd1acc58b8cd51a9a69ede43eac6235"

List Aggregators

All registered aggregators can be listed with aggregator list command. If you want to see only aggregators for a specific chain, you can use the --chain parameter.

orakl-cli aggregator list \
    --chain ${chain}
  • example

orakl-cli aggregator list --chain baobab

List Active Aggregators

Aggregators displayed with aggregator list command are stored in a permanent storage of the Orakl Network. When the Orakl Network Data Feed Worker is launched, all aggregators are duplicated to ephemeral storage. To see all active aggregators use aggregator active command.

The command requires two optional parameters --host and --port which describe watchman's host and port of Orakl Network Data Feed Worker, respectively. The values can be predefined through WORKER_SERVICE_HOST and WORKER_SERVICE_PORT environment variables.

orakl-cli aggregator active \
    [--host ${DATA_FEED_WORKER_HOST}] \
    [--port ${DATA_FEED_WORKER_PORT}]
  • example

orakl-cli aggregator active --host --port 5050

Insert New Aggregator

Same as with adapters, aggregator definitions can become quite lengthy. For this reason we support the registration of new a new aggregator through the --source parameter which can point to the JSON aggregator file on your local computer, or to JSON aggregator file hosted on web. Additionally, you must specify a chain to which we associate the newly added aggregator.

You can use predefined aggregator definitions from the Orakl Network Data Feed Configuration page.

Aggregators added using aggregator insert command will not be recognized by the Orakl Network Data Feed Worker unless the service is restarted. If you want to launch new aggregator while the service is already running you need to activate aggregator after it is inserted.

orakl-cli aggregator insert \
    --source ${pathOrUrlToAggregatorJsonFile} \
    --chain ${chain}
  • example

orakl-cli aggregator insert --source --chain baobab

Remove Aggregator Specified By id

The aggregator can be removed from the Orakl Network state only when it is inactive. Inactive aggregators can be removed with the aggregator remove command supplied with an extra --id parameter that represents an identifier of the aggregator.

orakl-cli aggregator remove \
    --id ${id}
  • example

orakl-cli aggregator remove --id 15

Activate Aggregator

Once the Orakl Network Data Feed Worker is already running, it is not enough to use aggregator insert command which modifies only Orakl Network's permanent storage. You need to transfer aggregator's definition from permanent to ephemeral storage. To activate aggregator on running Orakl Network Data Feed Worker service, use aggregator activate command.

The command requires two optional parameters --host and --port which describe watchman's host and port of Orakl Network Data Feed Worker, respectively. The values can be predefined through WORKER_SERVICE_HOST and WORKER_SERVICE_PORT environment variables.

orakl-cli aggregator activate \
    --aggregatorHash ${aggregatorHash} \
    [--host ${DATA_FEED_WORKER_HOST}] \
    [--port ${DATA_FEED_WORKER_PORT}]
  • example

orakl-cli aggregator activate --aggregatorHash 0x12 --host --port 5050

Deactivate Aggregator

When the Orakl Network Data Feed Worker is running and you need to stop some of the data feeds, use aggregator deactivate command. This command will remove a single aggregator defined by aggregatorHash from ephemeral storage, and it will not have any effect on other active data feeds.

The command requires two optional parameters --host and --port which describe watchman's host and port of Orakl Network Data Feed Worker, respectively. The values can be predefined through WORKER_SERVICE_HOST and WORKER_SERVICE_PORT environment variables.

orakl-cli aggregator deactivate \
    --aggregatorHash ${aggregatorHash} \
    [--host ${DATA_FEED_WORKER_HOST}] \
    [--port ${DATA_FEED_WORKER_PORT}]
  • example

orakl-cli aggregator deactivate --aggregatorHash 0x12 --host --port 5050

Last updated