Orakl Network Fetcher


The Orakl Network Fetcher is an auxiliary service for Data Feed solution to collect the most up-to-date data from various sources.

The code is located under fetcher directory.

State Setup

Adapter & Aggregator

The Orakl Network Fetcher and the Orakl Network Data Feed are configured with adapter and aggregator abstractions. Every data feed collected by the Orakl Network Fetcher and then submitted to on-chain by the Orakl Network Data Feed is defined with an adapter-aggregator pair. Adapters and aggregators are defined in JSON format. You can find a detailed description of them below.

An adapter is a set of data sources (feeds) and post-processing rules (reducers) that are applied on data received from feeds. Additionally, every adapter has a name, decimals and an adapterHash. decimals property represents a number of decimal points in which the post processed values are encoded. The values itself are in an integer format and decimal points are stored separately. Lastly, adapterHash is computed from all properties of adapter except the adapterHash itself. It was defined for safety reasons so nobody can accidentally modify the adapter without anybody noticing.

  "adapterHash": "0xe63985ed9d9aae887bdcfa03b53a1bea6fd1acc58b8cd51a9a69ede43eac6235",
  "name": "BTC-USD",
  "decimals": 8,
  "feeds": [
      "name": "Binance-BTC-USD",
      "definition": {
        "url": "https://api.binance.us/api/v3/ticker/price?symbol=BTCUSD",
        "headers": {
          "Content-Type": "application/json"
        "method": "GET",
        "reducers": [
            "function": "PARSE",
            "args": ["price"]
            "function": "POW10",
            "args": 8
            "function": "ROUND"

An aggregator is described with on-chain metadata (address), off-chain metadata (name, heartbeat, threshold, absoluteThreshold), and connection to an adapter (adapterHash). address corresponds to deployed smart contract Aggregator that accepts submissions from whitelisted node operators for a data feed defined using an adapter that is identified with adapterHash. name offers a description of the aggregator. heartbeat defines the lowest frequency update (value is denoted in milliseconds) of Aggregator smart contract. threshold represents a minimum required value deviation (e.g. 0.05 equals to ±5 % deviation) in the data feed that leads to early submission to data feed. When the range of possible values in data feed is between 0 and ∞, absoluteThreshold is used to define a minimum absolute change that must be observed before the data feed starts being updated again after the data feed value became a zero. adapterHash represents a unary relationship between aggregator and adapter.

  "aggregatorHash": "0xfda8c08a8b7641e001ad23c0fb363a9e7aab1e3a7eb8a6ddee41deeb7e3ef279",
  "name": "BTC-USD",
  "address": "0x15c0b3ea93ed4de0a1f93f4ae130aefd8f2e8ccb",
  "heartbeat": 15000,
  "threshold": 0.05,
  "absoluteThreshold": 0.1,
  "adapterHash": "0xe63985ed9d9aae887bdcfa03b53a1bea6fd1acc58b8cd51a9a69ede43eac6235"

Add Adapter & Aggregator

If there are no adapters and aggregators in Orakl Network state, you can create them through the Orakl Network CLI. To find out, if there are any adapter and aggregator in Orakl Network state, you can execute the command below.

orakl-cli adapter list
orakl-cli aggregator list

Agregators are associated with chain, therefore if you have not defined any chain through the Orakl Network API yet, you need to do it before adding any aggregator.

orakl-cli chain insert --name localhost

An example of adding adapter and aggregator to localhost chain is shown at the code listing below. Please note that adapterHash in adapter and aggregator JSON files has to be same, otherwise they would not be associated. If you try to add aggregator with adapterHash that has not been registered, the operation will be aborted.

orakl-cli adapter insert \
    --source [path/to/adapter.json]

orakl-cli aggregator insert \
    --source [path/to/aggregator.json] \
    --chain localhost
  • example

orakl-cli adapter insert \
    --source https://config.orakl.network/adapter/baobab/atom-usdt.adapter.json

orakl-cli aggregator insert \
    --source https://config.orakl.network/aggregator/baobab/atom-usdt.aggregator.json \
    --chain localhost

Proxies (Optional)

In addition to configuring adapters and aggregators, the Orakl Network also provides the option to add proxies, which can be used for data fetching through defined proxy configurations.

orakl-cli proxy list

Add proxy

orakl-cli proxy insert --protocol protocol --host host --port port

An example to add proxy with host:, with port:88

orakl-cli proxy insert --protocol "http" --host "" --port 88

Activate Aggregator

After the adapters and aggregators are registered to Orakl Network state, they are in an inactive state at first. If we want them to use for data collection, we have to activate them. Activation can be performed through the Orakl Network CLI.

orakl-cli fetcher start \
    --id ${aggregatorhash} \
    --chain ${chainName}
  • example

orakl-cli fetcher start --id 0x12 --chain baobab

Deactivate Aggregator

Data collection defined with an adapter-aggregator pair can be stopped anytime by executing a command below with appropriate aggregatorHash.

orakl-cli fetcher stop \
    --id ${aggregatorHash} \
    --chain ${chainName}
  • example

orakl-cli fetcher stop --id 0x12 --chain baobab


Before we launch the Orakl Network Fetcher, we must specify several environment variables. The environment variables are automatically loaded from a .env file.







REDIS_HOST and REDIS_PORT represent host and port of Redis to which the Orakl Network Fetcher connect to. The default values are localhost and 6379, respectively. Redis is used indirectly through BullMQ to collect data in regular predefined intervals.

ORAKL_NETWORK_API_URL corresponds to url where the Orakl Network API is running. Collected and aggregated data by the Orakl Network Fetcher will be send to PostgreSQL through the Orakl Network API interface.

APP_PORT represents a port on which the Orakl Network Fetcher will be running. This port will be necessary when we connect to Orakl Network API from other services (e.g. Orakl Network CLI).

CHAIN represents name of chain for which data are collected.

FETCHER_TYPE represents type of fetcher will be used for the current fetcher.


To launch the Orakl Network Fetcher from source code in the production, one must first build the service, and then it can be launched.

yarn build
yarn start:prod

After the Orakl Network Fetcher is launched, all active aggregators will start to

  • collect data for each data source defined in adapter feeds of activated aggregator, and

  • compute and store their aggregate.

The collected and computed data are sent through the Orakl Network API to PostgreSQL. Aggregators can be actived and deactivated while the Orakl Network Fetcher is running.


Last updated